What Is CFT?

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) is a very gentle, natural approach with powerful therapeutic effects, based on the work of Dr. Barry Gillespie.

Its main principle is that the Craniosacral and Fascial systems are not separate, but one interconnected system. CFT blends the two established modalities of Dr. William Sutherland's Craniosacral Therapy and John Barnes' Myofascial Release, along with dental techniques developed from Dr. Gillespie’s experience as a periodontist.

How Does CFT Work?

Basically, fascia is the body’s connective tissue, providing a framework that helps support and protect muscles, organs, and the entire body as a unit. It is an all-encompassing web found throughout the body that protects the entire body as a whole. It envelopes organs, muscles, nerves, and even blood, for protection from outside trauma. It supports the musculoskeletal system and allows us to perform functional activities like walking, jumping, running, or simply changing positions. 

The intricate craniosacral fascial system originates in the body's core around the brain and spinal cord and extends through the fascial web. A healthy system allows for the free flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain, down the spine, to the sacrum, and into the fascia.

All of us have experienced trauma --- difficult birth, surgery, auto accidents, falls, concussions, dental work/orthodontics, vaccinations, and emotional trauma, to name a few. Starting from birth, traumas accumulate and can create strain and toxicity in the craniosacral fascial system, restricting critical brain motion.

Damage to the craniosacral fascial system can cause poor blood flow, diminish nerve impulses, hinder brain function, limit the range of motion, and cause a host of other ailments.

How Does CFT Help?

Traumas accumulate and create tightness and toxicity in the craniosacral fascial system. Traumas can occur at birth, through sports injuries, from car accidents and falls. Dental work and vaccinations may cause strain to the system, as may emotional stress. When the craniosacral fascial system is compromised, critical brain motion is restricted causing myriad cognitive ailments, physical distress and mobility issues. 

Remember: The brain has to breathe and the fascia must be free. Our brains must expand and contract. 

CFT helps by loosening and opening the Craniosacral Fascial System to allow free flow of cerebrospinal fluid and optimal brain mobility. 

CFT is effective for all ages and benefits a variety of conditions:


    Birth trauma

    Tongue tie-lip tie




    Inability to latch

    Difficulty sucking

    Difficulty swallowing



    Asymmetrical head shape










    Learning disorders

    Sinus conditions


    Neck pain









    Neck pain

    Jaw pain

    Hip pain

    Sinus conditions

    Back pain



    Pelvic pain


What Can I Expect From A CFT Session?

At the beginning and end of each CFT session, your brain cycle will be assessed to understand the health of your craniosacral system. It is fascinating how the length and quality of your brain cycle relate to the improvement of conditions.

CFT techniques are designed to gently unwind and release accumulated fascial strain. The treatment consists of a gentle touch to release tightness and toxins. You lay on the table fully clothed (I encourage clients to wear comfortable clothing). At times, you may feel some stretching or there may be a more active "unwind" motion.

I suggest 3-5 sessions to begin the healing process.

Many clients find great relief after just one or two sessions, but deep healing can take more time.

Please contact me for your free phone consultation to learn more about how CFT could help you.


  • The Craniosacral Fascial System originates in the body's core around the brain and spinal cord, and extends through the fascial web. Fascia is the body’s connective tissue. It is an all-encompassing web found throughout the body that structurally supports and protects the entire body as a whole. It is a transport system that helps nourish and detoxify the body. A healthy system allows for the free flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain, down the spine, and into the fascia.

  • Craniosacral Fascial Therapy is the work of Dr. Barry Gillespie. It originated from the cranial osteopathic principles of Dr. William Sutherland, the myofascial release work of John Barnes, P.T., and Dr. Gillespie's background as a periodontist. It is based on Gillespie's theory that the craniosacral and fascial systems are not separate but one interconnected system

  • The brain has an inherent motion that expands and contracts. This motion is called The Brain Cycle. This movement encourages cerebrospinal fluid to flow from the brain down the spine into the fascia of the body. It helps nourish the body and cleanse toxins. Any restrictions to this motion can greatly affect our health and well-being, The Brain Cycle is an effective assessment tool to determine tightness in the system. CFT is a treatment designed to gently release and unwind accumulated fascial strain. When the craniosacral fascial system is moving easily, it allows for the flow of fluid which supports optimal brain and body function.

  • Traumas may begin in utero followed by birth trauma. We then accumulate various physical and emotional traumas throughout life. These layers of trauma can cause tightness in the craniosacral fascial web. This may result in restricted brain motion which correlates highly with symptoms. Some examples of trauma include Difficult Birth, Concussion, Surgery, Vaccination Shots, Auto Accidents, Dental/Orthodontics, Falls, and Emotional Trauma.

    Craniosacral Fascial Therapy may help resolve or lessen symptoms by addressing the tightness of the fascia.

  • The treatment consists of a gentle touch to release tightness and toxins. You lay on the table fully clothed. At times, you may feel some stretching or there may be a more active "unwind" motion.

  • CFT is appropriate for all ages and may benefit a variety of conditions.

    Infants: Birth trauma, Tongue tie/Lip tie, Torticollis, Reflux, Colic, Inability to latch, Difficulty sucking, Difficulty sleeping, Constipation, Head asymmetry, Earache, or General fussiness.

    Children: Asthma, Earache, Concussion, ADHD/ADD, Learning disorders, Sinus conditions, Anxiety, Neck pain, Digestive Issues, Bedwetting, Headache, or Scoliosis.

    Adults: Headache/Migraine, Concussion, TMJ, Back/Neck pain, Digestive Issues, Hip pain, Sinus conditions, Anxiety, Depression, Poor range of motion, Whiplash, or Scars

    • CST only works on 2 systems. The cranial and the sacral system

    • CFT works those 2 systems plus the entire fascial system - CFT is a whole body approach

    • CFT is a combination of myofascial release (John Barnes’ MFR) and CST. It’s a blend of two modalities.

    • You can release tension inside the mouth with CFT

    What is the difference between CFT and CST by Dr. Barry Gillespie:

    People often ask what is the difference between Craniosacral Therapy (CST) and Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)? and how does Myofascial Release (MFR) fit into the mix?

    We have both studied Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Therapy as well as Myofunctional Therapy. In CST no one mentions the clinical importance of the fascial web.

    If you study Tom Myers, Gil Hedley, and John Barnes' brilliant teachings you’ll get a glimpse into the fascial web. We find the determining healing factor for our clients is in this web. If the fascia can be free, the clients do well with CST; if the fascia remains tight, CST has little or no effect.

    We believe the fascial web appears to rule the craniosacral system. We believe that the marriage of these two great therapies, craniosacral and myofascial, into Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) is the key. We also find that CFT is profound in releasing cranio- dental strain and oral dysfunction that can contribute to a tight system.

    We know there is a direct connection between the craniosacral and fascial systems because a research study showed that cerebrospinal fluid was found in the collagen tubules. In essence, we strive for maximum clinical results because we are treating the entire craniosacral fascial system.

    We find that if we truly listen closely to full-body strain patterns, we obtain the best results.

    We find that each human holds the emotional and physical memories from in-utero, and delivery traumas and knows innately knows how to heal themselves. When the fascial web is fully released, the cranial bones and sacrum amazingly seem to correct on their own